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Dirty Tuesdays

We meet in the CommUNITY Garden at The Divine Life Playhouse every Tuesday. Come join us this week! We already have lots of green beans, baby cucumbers, and a few ripe tomatoes… there's still some kale left from the Winter garden and tons of basil. Well work in the garden for about 45 minutes and then sip ice cold lemonade on the porch while sampling some of our harvest. Join our group if you'd like to learn about how to grow your own food! #growyourownfood #commUNITYgarden#dirtytuesdays #divinelifekitchen



Take a deep breath before you start to prepare food.  Get yourself fully in the present moment so you can enjoy all the sensual pleasures of the food.



Let yourself have some freedom in the kitchen.   There is no one way to do any dish.  I often make little changes each time I make even a tried-and -true dish.    Let your taste buds lead you each time.   Maybe today you want a little more lemon or you want to toss in fresh herbs from the garden.

Be free!



Give GRATITUDE with the first bite. 
Take a pause.  Enjoy every nuisance of the flavors.   Give gratitude for the effort of farmers,  grocery hands,  your own hands, and the planet for giving you this food.

Thank you SOURCE, God.  Thank you. 

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